Investigating the Esc-30A Brushless DC Motor Driver

In the field of electronic experimentation, one frequently faces difficulties and successes in the search of knowledge and control. One such endeavor uses small devices with a microcontroller unit combined with half bridges to control motor operations using ESC-30A Brushless DC motor drivers.

Starting with a 12V DC source, the first steps in using the ESC-30A are to power it bearing in mind the delicate transistor threshold of roughly 20V to avoid possible damage. The driver must be kicked starting with a precise “low throttle” signal—a quick pulse at 400Hz with a 1-ms pulse width proving 12V BLDC Motor Driver successful.

Later moves to start the motor mean widening the pulse width beyond one minute, up to two minutes. Especially, trying a 2-minute pulse during the driver’s power-up phase produces bad effects. Usually featuring three pins—Red, Black, and White—White is the control signal; Black is the ground; Red denotes power input. Fascinating;